During their first 12 months, infants learn, change, and grow quickly. There are distinct differences in developmental milestones between younger and older infants. This growth can be challenging to plan for when you have very young, immobile infants, as well as those who are older and have a bit more independence and mobility. With “Experience Curriculum”, Little Duckling caregivers have the information they need to plan engaging activities for babies. Caregivers understand what to expect from infants of different developmental levels as they expose them to engaging activities and interactions.
Indicate a desire for more
Give more when asked
Show interest in visual, auditory, and tactile patterns
Explore how things fit and move
Put objects in, out, on, and off of other things
Explore objects with different shapes and sizes
Understand that different size containers hold more or less
Predict the sequence of events (like running water means bath time)
Understand basic cause and effect (shaking a rattle makes noise)
Classify things in simple ways (some toys make noise and some don’t)
Understand relative size (baby is small, parents are big)
Begin to understand words that describe quantities (more, bigger, enough)
Respond to own name
Show interest in environmental choices
Communicate to indicate physical and emotional needs
Communicate to express pleasure or displeasure
Use cues to signal overstimulation
Respond positively
Observe and experience the environment using all five senses
Focus attention on sounds, movement, and objects
Notice cause and effect within the physical environment
Perform actions with objects and observe results
Establish activity patterns based on day and night
Explore and react to indoor and outdoor surfaces
Observe and experience the difference in climate/weather
Demonstrate interest in and interact with plants, animals, and people
Discover body parts
Demonstrate an interest in, explore and manipulate human made objects
Repeat actions that causes an interesting effect
Respond to celebrations and cultural events
Separate self from others
Show affection and bonds with familiar adults
Demonstrates comfort in familiar routines, objects, and materials
Respond to adult guidance about behavior
Discover use of body and objects in the environment
Demonstrate preference for specific objects and people
Interact with the environment to make needs known
Experiment with vocalizations
React to familiar songs or music
Respond to music with body movements
Explore simple art materials
Respond to various textures and sensory materials
Show preference for particular visual stimuli
Imitate the actions and expressions of caregivers
Recognize that certain actions will draw responses
Passively participate in health and hygiene-related behaviors initiated by caregiver
Use key adults as a secure base when exploring the environment
Seek reassurance from a trusted caregiver when encountering an unfamiliar object or person
Show food preferences
Follow regular meal routines
Demonstrate awareness of different textures of food
Help with self-feeding
Manipulate objects to see what will happen
Show awareness of own body and start moving intentionally
Interact with adults in physical activities
Demonstrate hand-eye coordination and practice in a variety of activities to enhance coordination
Develop coordination and balance often with support
Develop control of head and back, progressing to arms and legs
Demonstrate continual progression in oral muscle tone, strength, and range of motion, leading to more complex oral movement and control
Participate passively in dressing and undressing self
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